Creamed Honey

Creamed Honey

Creamed honey once sampled will become a household favourite. Most people are used to seeing yellow or golden runny honey on the shelves or in our supermarkets and are slow to try different honey in case they don’t like it and it’s a waste of money. At the...

Colony Hygiene

Working on beehives and doing inspections requires a hygiene strategy that works for you and keepsyour bees disease free from any of your actions. We need to ensure that we are not spreading anydisease, spores or parasites from one hive to another as we travel through...

Not All Mentors are Equal

New beekeepers are frequently advised to go to their local beekeeping association to find a mentor, but little else is said about the subject which can lead to confusion and disappointment. Read on to find out what you need to know about finding a beekeeping mentor...

How to Succeed in Beekeeping

Thinking about starting your own back garden beehive? 80% of new beekeepers quit after the first two years. So, why do so many give up, and what does it take to succeed? Read this article to find out how to avoid becoming part of the statistic! In my opinion, the main...